Camryn's Blog

Hand’s on Activity 7: What is Hypertext?

I chose to play the game A Tale of Crowns for my first experience with a Twine game. The storyline is reminiscent of the fantasy-based novels I used to read in highschool, so it felt a bit nostaligic. While I’ve seen games similiar to this format, I can say that it definitely isn’t the traditional game format that is mass produced. Video games that require consoles like the XBOX or PS4 usual give the user control of the physical location of the character, thus allowing them to explore the imaginary world in whatever manner they choose. Those games can also offer non-narrative based game play, while Twine games are restricted to a storyline.

A Tale of Crowns read more like a novel that a short story. I believe this is because the short stories I typically read simply place the reader within a moment of the character’s life without context and the message of the story lies in that scene. The Twine game on the other hand, offers a more traditional plotline.

Overall, I enjoyed playing A Tale of Crowns and it seems to be still in progress, so I’d be interested to revisit it in a few months to see how it has changed or improved.

Posted In: Hands on activities